4 Unique Ways We’re Ending Sexual Violence in the Pandemic

When schools shut down in Kenya and Zambia, the dreams of our scholars started to disappear. But Freely in Hope staff quickly mobilized programs at our live-in community centers. We also distributed lifesaving information on sexual violence prevention to the communities we serve.

Join us in building a world free of sexual violence! 
All donations up to $16K will be 100% matched!

HERE ARE 4 unique ways we're ending
sexual violence during the pandemic:

Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope

All 27 of our scholars are studying safely as schools are still closed. Since providing individualized tutoring, counseling, and leadership programs, their average grades have increased from C’s to A’s in many subjects!

Basic needs such as food and healthcare products have been provided for women in prostitution and their families which reduces their risk to unsafe work, sexual violence, and exposure to COVID-19.

Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope

Through the distribution of resource cards, our communities know how to report incidences of sexual assault. Since the pandemic began, we distributed over 2,000 cards with resources to help those who have experienced sexual assault.

Teenagers in our high school clubs have also mobilized to prevent sexual violence in their communities! In Kenya and Zambia, we launched an online campaign that encouraged high school students to share their voice, art and poetry to prevent the rise of teenage pregnancies as a result of the pandemic.

We are raising $16,000 to continue this important work of ending sexual violence in the midst of a pandemic. From November 25 – December 10, your donations will be matched dollar for dollar! We need your help—we will not allow the pandemic to reverse the work of trauma healing, sexual violence prevention, and survivor advocacy that we’ve been doing over the past 10 years.

Freely In Hope

Let’s use our privilege to build a world free of sexual violence.

We have 16 days to raise $16K!

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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