100% of your donations literally encircle each Freely in Hope scholar — providing them with what they need to not just survive, but to thrive.

Freely In Hope

As a Hope Circle Member you’ll get:

Welcome gift of Freely in Hope swag sent to your door

Special monthly newsletters with impact stories from scholars


Membership discounts & early access to future events

Hope Circle Members understand that healing trauma from sexual violence requires a holistic approach.

Your donations literally encircle each scholar within Freely in Hope’s scholarship program — providing them with what they need to not just survive, but to thrive. 


Our community of belonging is a safe space where we have a shared vision of ending sexual violence.


We work with our legal partners to pursue justice for our scholars.


We fund medical insurance for our scholars so they can thrive.
Freely In Hope

Safe Housing

We place our scholars in safe housing to reduce their proximity to abusive relationships and environments. 


We fund high school and university scholarships to provide our scholars access to professional careers.


We provide trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for scholars to support their journey towards healing.


We pair our scholars with mentors who support their career pathways.

The Hope Circle is an unshakable community of monthly givers that believe in our audacious vision of ending sexual violence.

It’s about healing and transformation.

Imagine that you’re a part of a global community encircling each and every scholar in Freely in Hope’s holistic education program. Through our programs, our scholars are given opportunities to thrive in their education and leadership journey. These aren’t passive monthly donations. Hope Circle members are connected with our scholars and are given educational tools to be better allies with survivors. 

Illuminating Hope is a monthly newsletter that we send via email to platform the stories, voices, and vision of our scholars. Illuminating Hope is written directly by Freely in Hope scholars. They’re excited to share about their Freely in Hope journey with you! We hope it brightens your whole month as you remember the interconnectedness we share as advocates working together to platform the vision of survivors. 

at $50/month you provide safe housing for a survivor for one year

at $100/month you provide high school tuition for a survivor

at $1,oo0/month you support our community center which holds all training programs and provides support to our survivors

Freely In Hope

You belong here.

This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and determined people—like you—from all over the world. By giving what they can, they are choosing to advocate against sexual violence.
Freely In Hope
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I joined Hope Circle because I am passionate about the individual stories of Freely in Hope’s Scholars. The direct connection with the girls makes me feel like my contributions are making a direct impact on these young female leaders.

San Francisco

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I am passionate about supporting Freely in Hope because they honor the humanity of each person they help with strong data to drive actionable change.


Freely In Hope
Freely In Hope
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We have a choice to partner with God in the work of bringing wholeness and beauty to places that are broken. For this reason, I support Freely in Hope’s mission of ending sexual violence in Kenya and Zambia.


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The restoring work Freely in Hope achieves is beautiful and necessary in a world that is broken. We are privileged to be a part of their mission to end sexual violence.


Freely In Hope

Freely in Hope provides educational opportunities for young women affected by sexual violence.

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