The Importance of Survivors in Leadership
Great leadership draws from conviction, and effective advocacy draws from understanding our community’s needs.
Great leadership draws from conviction, and effective advocacy draws from understanding our community’s needs.
Growing up in Kibera, East Africa’s largest slum, she saw the prevalence of sexual violence and wanted to do something about it.
Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we have been opening up dialogue on issues of sexual violence and how we can combat it as
“Humanity suffers, and the sharing of that suffering is what moves us forward.” – Father Henri Nouwen Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we
Speak out and raise your voice against sexual violence! Know that you are not alone.
If you know a survivors, use these 9 helpful tips to support them.
Without victim-blaming, throwing pity parties, or turning a blind eye, how can systems support the voices and dreams of survivors in our world?
Be courageous and own your own story –– your story is powerful.
How you respond as an advocate can be critical in shaping the healing process for a survivor.
Learn more on how we’re ending sexual violence in our communities! Subscribe to our newsletters to find out how you can get involved.