Highlights of 2017

2017 Transformative Highlights

This was truly the year of transformation for us.
Take a look at everything that you helped us accomplish this year!

16 women in prostitution learned about sexual health, parenting, micro-business, and trauma healing in Nairobi.

Freely In Hope

12 children practiced their literacy skills in our program that prevents child abuse which often occurs during school holidays.

Freely In Hope

220 students in Machakos learned about how they can prevent sexual violence through our new high school curriculum that will impact even more students next year!

Freely In Hope

21 girls learned how to value their body through growing in confidence and self worth in Lusaka.

Freely In Hope

7 Freely in Hope survivor-leaders practiced their leadership skills by sharing their stories of hope, facilitating discussions, and leading sessions with hundreds of students in Nairobi.

Freely In Hope

12 Freely in Hope scholars came from all over Zambia and Kenya to learn, grow, and heal together at our retreats this year. Nikole’s family joined us too!

Freely In Hope

1,200+ people were directly reached through our survivor-led programs that end sexual violence across Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa.

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

Meet Ann

Ann, a high school student and scholarship participant from Zambia grew up in an abusive environment. Despite having experienced such a harsh reality, pursuing education through Freely in Hope became her haven.

Safeguarding children in faith communities

At Freely in Hope, creating safe spaces for children is at the heart of our mission to prevent sexual abuse and foster safety for communities. In Kenya and Zambia, we recently launched groundbreaking Child Protection Programs equipping faith leaders with the tools and resources to protect children from harm and foster environments where they can thrive.

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