July Highlights

JULY Highlights

Freely In Hope

2 scholars received certificates in Leadership Development and Entrepreneurship!

We partnered with @gardenofhopefoundation to provide our high school graduates with a way. to learn topics of leadership development, entrepreneurship, computer skills, and community development. They graduated in July and we are so proud of them

Freely In Hope

20 women were provided with clothing

Our team in Kenya distributed clothing to 20 women in our Malkia program! Malkia provides a safe space for women in prostitution to be equipped, educated, and strengthened as role models that restore hope to their work places.

Support Black Women-Owned Businesses

Compliments ‘N Coffee is a Black female-owned business, selling mugs that feature affirming messages. Compliments ‘N Coffee will be donating $5 from the first 100 pre-orders to Freely in Hope! Get yours today!

Donor Spotlight

Freely In Hope

Christelle, luxembourg

“I believe that it is hard enough without a global pandemic to support and help these girls and women. These girls already go through very hard times, so I want to help them as much as I can. Every. progress and success, as small as it may be, makes it worth it!”


Nikole Lim Liberation is Here book
Sept 26 2020, 07:00 PM

Sept 26, 2020, 09:00 PM


Join us as we celebrate our founder, Nikole Lim, in releasing her new book, Liberation is Here. For the first time, we’re opening up our annual celebration to the world as we’re hosting a virtual Book Launch Party. Celebrate the release of Liberation is Here featuring stories of. women uncovering hope in a broken world. We’ll be joined with live guest performers Prop, Kevin Olusola, and Melissa Polimar. Register Here.

Freely In Hope

At Freely in Hope, we believe that recognizing the inherent dignity of oppressed peoples is essential to the pursuit of justice. We stand for Black lives. Decolonizing and dismantling our education systems, religious systems, and justice systems is part of our work of ending sexual violence and empowering survivors to thrive.

Read our statement here.

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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