July’s Hopeful News

July's Impact Report:

Thank you for encircling our scholars with holistic support during this pandemic. Your donations are helping us respond to the ever evolving needs in our community.

Freely In Hope
# of scholars who received certificates in Leadership Development


Our high school graduates received certificates in Leadership Development and Entrepreneurship! Since they graduated, they have been attending a local course to equip their skills before attending university. They learned topics on leadership development, entrepreneurship, computer skills, and community development. We are so proud of them for graduating from the program! 

Freely In Hope
# of women provided with clothing


Our team in Kenya distributed clothing to 20 women in our Malkia program! Malkia provides a safe space for women in prostitution to be equipped, educated, and strengthened as role models that restore hope to their work places. Serving women ages 13-30 from informal settlements, Malkia aims to see women in prostitution drive the process of reform, rehabilitation, and ownership over their lives.

scholar highlight of the month

Freely In Hope

I received great grades from my first semester this year! Thanks to the nonstop support of the Freely in Hope family. They ensured that I had a healthy environment for learning and helped me pay my school fees. My family members gave me the time I needed to concentrate on my studies, and I was extremely committed.

I am reaching milestones in my journey of healing. Through sessions with our counselor, I managed to find courage and share my story for the first time, which is a huge achievement in my life. I felt renewed, relieved, and lighter; it was as if a heavy load was lifted off of me. Above all, I was proud of myself for this step towards healing, and for believing in myself. I thank God that I am physically well during this global pandemic, despite triggers. As we strive to bring the best out of ourselves, we should also take care of ourselves. Self care is so important.

Finally, I am grateful that my family members are so mindful and concerned about my well being and success in my studies. They have been there to support me in so many ways.

Freely In Hope
Freely in Hope Scholar
Pursuing BA in Journalism
Class of  2023

staff reflection

Freely In Hope

July was an exciting month for the Kenyan team because we finally got to move all our high school scholars to the safe house, where they will be less vulnerable to the adverse effects of COVID-19. In the safe house, we have the opportunity to engage them more, both academically and psycho-socially. We hired private tutors who are helping them meet their academic goals, and so far the results have been tremendous! A recent assessment that they held shows how all of them are thriving in subjects that they previously struggled with. Our social worker has also been facilitating trauma release exercises, which help release body tension accumulated by previous trauma.

Since all the girls are living together in the safe home, we are pairing our high school scholars and university scholars for mentoring. The survivor-leadership trajectory comes into play here as our university scholars create a platform for our young scholars to thrive. Most of all, I am grateful that, despite the effects that COVID-19 has had on our usual programs, our Freely in Hope community is creatively re-imagining other ways to keep the communities that we serve engaged. We are propelling our vision of ending sexual violence even in the pandemic! 

Thank you for your consistent support as Hope Circle Members,

Freely In Hope

Lydia Matioli
Project Manager, Kenya

member spotlight

Freely In Hope

member since 2020

Kay, San Francisco
“I hope my advocacy, though it may feel impersonal, will show these girls they are valuable and important. There are people on the other side of the world who care for them. What happens to them, matters to me. I am thankful I can play a small role in this organization that is bringing hope to the formerly hopeless.”

you're invited

Nikole Lim Liberation is Here book

Liberation Is Here is the story of Nikole Lim’s journey as an idealistic freelance filmmaker. Her career allowed her to step in and out of the lives of people who had experienced oppression around the world. But when confronted with the prevalence of sexual violence in Kenyan and Zambian communities, she commits to advocating alongside the courageous survivors whose lives have intersected with her own.

Illustrated with dramatic full-color photography from Lim’s own camera, Liberation Is Here transports us to forgotten corners of the world. From the slums of Nairobi, hospitals of Lusaka, killing fields of Kigali, and the back alleys of Barcelona, Lim weaves together stories presenting a narrative of God’s grace and healing amid fear and trauma. Her journey proves that liberation is not just near, but it is here—in the eyes of the broken, the hearts of the oppressed, and the untold stories of our global community.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2020

At the party, you’ll learn about the formation of Liberation is Here, engage with Freely in Hope’s international staff, and celebrate with author, Nikole Lim, and special guests! Join us for an unforgettable experience showcasing the power of storytelling through art, music, and poetry.

our gratitude

As we have carefully navigated the effects of COVID-19, your support has been a great encouragement to our community. Our mission during this time is to provide holistic support to allow our scholars to thrive—you are strengthening our team to do so. Thank you for making our response possible.

The Team @ Freely in Hope

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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