Leadership Lessons in Times of Uncertainty

Always try hard to believe in yourself until you see success, regardless of how many times you have failed. Always remember that failure is better than fear. –Mwape

I began the year so hopeful, expectant, and somewhat desirous of a year completely different from the last. With time, it became clear that not much was going to change – the pandemic was still here, the restrictions and safety precautions still imperative, and many of our plans still on hold. I couldn’t imagine another year without high fives, hugs, visits to the communities we work with, and gathering together. But instead of despairing, we began to imagine what we’d like all those things to look like when we finally got to do them. We’ve spent the better part of the year reviewing all our systems and processes and strengthening them to better support our work. It’s been such a joy to be part of this process and I am so excited to see what we’ve co-created come to life. I am more hopeful and expectant than I was at the beginning of the year and not because the pandemic is over but because we have made the most out of this new normal! –Trizah, Operations & Development Director

One of the many moments I felt cared for at Freely In Hope was when COVID-19 started. The organization provided us with tokens to buy food, which was a huge help due to the rising cost of living. Freely in Hope gave me time to rest when I felt emotionally low due to the anxiety and panic that came with COVID. –Pauline, Social Worker

Not only have I now grown into confidence, but I have been given an opportunity to fulfill my dream. Instead of closing programs, we’re expanding and I’ve been given a opportunity to create a new Literacy Program for girls in our community. –Selita

I dreamed of one day starting a program for underprivileged children, but I never thought that it would come so soon. In my mind, I thought, “I will only achieve this dream after I attain a huge sum of funds and grow my confidence to a certain level.” But I was wrong. Since I started working with Freely In Hope, I found a supportive community that believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. I remember during my interviews at FIH, I was so scared and nervous that I failed to speak a word–not because they didn’t make me comfortable but because I was lacking confidence. Despite all of that, they still saw the potential in me and supported me throughout. Not only have I now grown into confidence, but I have been given an opportunity to fulfill my dream. Instead of closing programs, we’re expanding and I’ve been given an opportunity to create a new literacy program for girls in our community. This program will support the young women at Super Girls Revolution who are struggling with literacy and will connect those who are not in school to partnering institutions and organizations. I am so happy that lives will be impacted by the literacy program. Thank you Freely In Hope. –Selita, Social Worker

To see others thrive and conquer challenges gave me hope. –Maryann

As our leadership team shared our goals and hopes for 2021, I was inspired and motivated by each person’s goals because we decided that we will achieve them by the end of the year, in spite of COVID-19. To see others thrive and conquer challenges gave me hope. Some leaders come from broken homes where they don’t feel loved, or have a family that does not care about their education. Regardless, they still have the zeal to compete to attend university and bring the crown home. –Maryann, Storytelling Fellow

I am a high school dropout who has struggled to make ends meet. When FIH came into my life, I decided that it is best I work towards that which am passionate about. I started as a volunteer and worked diligently because I knew that there were dreams I had to fulfill within myself and within the community. It has been an overwhelming journey, but it has not only helped me but many others. My prayer is that even as time goes on, I will still be celebrated for my work and dream fulfillment. Always try hard to believe in yourself until you see success, regardless of how many times you have failed. Always remember that failure is better than fear.  –Mwape, Project Coordinator

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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