Meet Nikole Lim: Founder & International Director

Meet nikole lim

Founder & International Director of Freely in Hope

Nikole Lim is a speaker, educator, and author of the book, Liberation is Here. She is the Founder and International Director of Freely in Hope, a nonprofit dedicated to equipping survivors to lead in ending sexual violence across Kenya, Zambia, and the Bay Area. Nikole has been deeply transformed by the powerful, tenacious, and awe-inspiring leadership of survivors. Their audacious dreams have informed her philosophy for a survivor-led approach to uplifting community well-being, safety, and flourishing. Her worldwide, intersectional work provides a trauma-informed and healing-centered approach to organizational development, leadership growth, and systems transformation. Nikole studied Film Production at Loyola Marymount University, Global Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, and Embodiment-Based Psychosocial Change at Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science. She is a visiting faculty member of Pacific School of Religion, Kwaray, Nalanda Institute, and SeminaryNow. She is a native of the Bay Area and can often be found buying African fabric on the streets of Nairobi.

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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