Meet Nikole Lim: Founder & International Director

Meet nikole lim

Founder & International Director of Freely in Hope

Nikole Lim is a speaker, educator, and author of the book, Liberation is Here. She is the Founder and International Director of Freely in Hope, a nonprofit dedicated to equipping survivors to lead in ending sexual violence across Kenya, Zambia, and the Bay Area. Nikole has been deeply transformed by the powerful, tenacious, and awe-inspiring leadership of survivors. Their audacious dreams have informed her philosophy for a survivor-led approach to uplifting community well-being, safety, and flourishing. Her worldwide, intersectional work provides a trauma-informed and healing-centered approach to organizational development, leadership growth, and systems transformation. Nikole studied Film Production at Loyola Marymount University, Global Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, and Embodiment-Based Psychosocial Change at Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science. She is a visiting faculty member of Pacific School of Religion, Kwaray, Nalanda Institute, and SeminaryNow. She is a native of the Bay Area and can often be found buying African fabric on the streets of Nairobi.

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A Letter from our Directors

In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here…


In 2023, we directly impacted over 6,000 people with programs and resources that empower survivors and end sexual violence worldwide! But we didn’t start here—14 years ago, we began by listening to the dreams of one survivor in Kenya and one survivor in Zambia.

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