September’s Hopeful News

SEPTEMBER's Impact Report:

Thank you for encircling our scholars with holistic support during this pandemic. Your donations are helping us respond to the ever evolving needs in our community.

Freely In Hope
# of submissions



For International Day of the Girl, Freely in Hope in Kenya ran an arts competition to reimagine a safer Kenya for teenage girls. We received 44 submissions from 12 counties! Vote for your favorite now!

Freely In Hope
# of leaders trained in storytelling



Our survivor-leaders in Zambia and Kenya went through a newly designed curriculum on how to share their story with dignity. We are excited to bring this curriculum online so that all communities can participate.

scholar highlight of the month

Freely In Hope


As a young and determined lawyers from a rural area, I realize how people are exploited due to lack of knowledge about the law of Kenya. During the pandemic, I launched a website in Teso Land, Busia county, to help the community be informed about their rights. This will act like a pro-bono service to help any person who needs legal help. The site contains: LLB law, human rights, and law articles. 

This month, I have also had a chance to talk with girls in my community about early pregnancies since there has been an uprising of teenage pregnancies since closed have been closed. I am looking forward to joining the Kenya School of Law, sponsored by Freely in Hope! This was my biggest highlight!

Freely In Hope
Freely in Hope Scholar
Aspiring Lawyer
Class of  2021

staff reflection

Freely In Hope

My book launch party was such a beautiful success! Thanks to all who joined in online to celebrate with me—we raised $26,141 and more members are joining Hope Circle daily!

We are delving deeper into the themes of the book with my international staff in Kenya and Zambia. I hope you’ll join us for the global book club where we’ll also equip you with resources to start your own book club and support survivors in your context.

join us on october 24th @ noon pst

Freely In Hope

NIkole Lim
Founder and International Director

member spotlight

Freely In Hope

member since 2020

I continue to give through the COVID-19 pandemic because I am a Jesus-follower and sharing my resources is just one small way to shine a light in this dark time. I’m also a mother of a four year old girl and I’d do anything to keep her safe. I feel the same sense of fierce protectionism for all the daughters of the world. 

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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