Sexual Assault Awareness Tips: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence

How Can We Support Our Friends Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted?

Did you know that 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence?

This means that a third of our relationships are survivors and we may not even know it. Because of this, it is important to know how to be a listening presence, a source of encouragement, and an advocate for the people we love.

How can we support our friends who have been sexually assaulted?

1. Listen without judgment.
2. Be present.
3. Encourage the survivor to get support.
4. Be patient.
5. Encourage them to practice self-care.
6. Learn the warning signs of suicide and offer support.
7. Know of resources within your community.
8. “I acknowledge your pain. I’m here with you.”
9. “I believe you.”

Saying these simple words, “I believe you,” will let a survivor know that their story is valid—no matter what happened to them, they are not defined by it. At Freely in Hope, we work to break barriers of oppressive stereotypes that blame victims. Instead, we provide resources that fight for justice, educate communities, and let survivors know that they are heard.

If you know a survivor, use these 9 helpful tips to support them,

*Mumbi, Freely in Hope Scholar

Let's Empower Survivors of Sexual Assault to Thrive

Your donation will help survivors thrive through high school and university scholarships, mental health support, safe housing, healthcare, and leadership development.

The butterfly hug

Try this butterfly hug exercise to center and calm yourself whenever you feel your anxiety rising. This is a helpful exercise to bring their bodies to awareness and safety. To support your mental health journey, we also have a print-out version with instructions to use for personal or organizational use. Get the download below!

Download the Butterfly Hug PDF

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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