The Survivor Protection Statement

we equip survivors to lead in ending sexual violence.

As an organization, we live out our mission by working to protect survivors of sexual violence, to create policies that prevent sexual violence, and to advocate against sexual violence in our community. The following belief statements guide our process and policies as we aim to establish safety for women, children, survivors, and marginalized groups that we care for.

We believe survivors.

We believe that the stories of survivors matter. We take their stories, insight, and solutions seriously by ensuring our belief is paired with action. We do this by establishing a safe space for survivors to be heard, providing support systems that survivors request, and supporting the survivor to create solutions for healing, justice, and advocacy. 

If you are a survivor of abuse and wish to share your story with a Freely in Hope staff member, you can contact us hereIf you are a Freely in Hope community member, contact 0706303099 (Kenya) or 0976562008 (Zambia). If you are in an unsafe situation and need help, visit our Need Help page to find resources in your country.

We Listen Empathetically.

We listen to survivors with empathy, compassion, and holistic care. We pause to listen to survivor-centered solutions rather than rushing to promote advocacy. We create the time and space for survivors to be heard without judgment, condemnation, or interrogation. We fund opportunities for survivors to be supported through trauma-informed counseling. 

If you are a survivor of abuse and wish to speak to a trauma-informed counselor, visit our Need Help page to find resources in your country.

We Unlearn Abuse.

We condemn any abuses that oppress, victimize, and objectify women, children, and marginalized groups. We do not tolerate abuse of any form whether it be sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological. As an organization, we actively undo the harms of toxic masculinity, patriarchy, and religious power by condemning perpetrators of abuse and standing alongside survivors.

If you need to report a grievance related to sexual misconduct, violence, abuse, or harassment from a Freely in Hope staff member, please complete the Grievance Policy Form.

We Establish Safety.

At our organization, we establish safety through our policies, procedures, and values that guide our programs, keep our leadership accountable, and promote safe boundaries amongst our community members. We are committed to nurturing a community that is safe for all members to express their God-given dignity, voice, and vocation. In collaboration with survivors, we have developed the following policies to establish this community of safety: (list policies, statements, and procedures here).

If you have feedback for Freely in Hope to support and strengthen our goal of establishing safe spaces for survivors, please share your idea with us. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us.

We Speak Out.

We provide opportunities for survivor’s stories to be heard. For reporting purposes, we have established procedures for survivors to voice any abuses that go against our organization’s mission, values, and policies. We also provide spaces for survivors to speak out through creative forms of expression. 

If you have ideas or partnership opportunities that can promote the survivor voice, let us know! We’d love to hear your ideas!

We encourage you to utilize this Survivor Protection Statement in your organization. The 5 motion steps in this guide can be a model for your Survivor Protection Statement. Incorporate any words or phrases from your organization’s mission statement, organizational values, and today’s discussion to inform your statement. Ensure the language speaks true to the survivor’s voice and the culture you are trying to create within your organization. Modify this example as needed and publish your statement on your organization’s website and ensure leadership is involved in providing support and followup with stories, feedback, or ideas shared from survivors in your community. The Survivor Protection Statement was written by Jean Nangwala, Freely in Hope Alumni, and Nikole Lim, International Director.

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Meet Idah

Idah is a passionate about the power of speaking of speaking out. She grew up in Lusaka Zambia. She is a survivor and a Freely in Hope scholar pursuing a bachelor’s degree in law.

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